What sort of society do West Papuans wish to have after an Indonesian withdrawal?

* From: Papua Tribesman
* To: reg.westpapua@lists.riseup.net, Tapol
* Subject: What sort of society do West Papuans wish to have after an Indonesian withdrawal?
* Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 07:00:46 -0700 (PDT)

Hi everybody,

In Reply to AWPA's question : "What sort of society do West Papuans wish to have after an Indonesian withdrawal?", there were already a series of discussions among friends in the UK and myself, and the conclusion was to establish a country that is based on tribes: commonly I refer to as Tribal Democracy. The idea originally came from discussions among Demmak tribal elders, on what is the best system to operate under a free and independent West Papua, the idea has been shared among all Koteka elders, those in the jungles, villages and towns, as well as Koteka Students all over Indonesia.

The concept has been under deep research since 2000, and two series of Tribal Democracy concept are being published in Indosia right now, will be available in all major bookstores in Indonesia by July 2006. There will be more than 6 books to be published on this concept, each presenting background, the idea in global context of democracy rhetoric/ theory, relation to modern political ideologies and sistems of governance, as well as models of democracy in mapping Tribal Democracy as a model of democracy for political advocacy for tribal peoples in West Papua.

I myself do not konw what so-called "Papuan intellectuals/ elites" are going to respond, but I can assure you that the idea has been fully accepted and backed by all Demmak Elders, as well as other tribal elders throughout West Papua.

Perhaps the 6 books being finalised in Malay version need to be summarised and presented to scholars, activists, and politicians around the world? I have repeatedly visited all Melanesian states, and I have come up with exactly the same conclusion: that the main problems facing Melanesia today is "We are enforcing systems of governance as well as conception of ideologies that are totally alien to plus un-operable for Melanesians, and expecting us Melanesians to perform as good as westerners do." All Melanesian states are falling into the category of "failing or failed states", percisely because these states are not Melanesian states, they are Westminster states, and are imposed in Melanesian territories.

I hope this short explanation will invite other comments, particularly from the Papuans.

Yours sincerely,

Papua Tribesman
http://papuapost.com, http://westpapuanews.com,
http://westpapua.net, http://malanesianews.org
Mobile: +353(0)86374 6379, Fax: +353 404 46400
Mail: Papua Press Agency, International Desk,
c/o 54 Evora Park,HOWTH, Co. Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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